Vice President of the Hyperbaric Medicine Center in Honolulu, one of 20 hyperbaric therapy centers in the United States.

The patient wanted Stephen Imamoto and others suffering from TBI (traumatic brain injury) to know about how the Hyperbaric Chamber can help them. So Helen contacted me, and after a very interesting discussion with her.
Hyperbaric Chambers help by stimulating stem cells to repair tissues with few side-effects.

Researchers Report First Successful Treatment of Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury

Author : American Association of Health Freedom
From: Earthtimes.org
ARLINGTON, Va., Oct. 11 - The American Association of Health Freedom and the International Hyperbaric Medical Association announced today that physician-researchers at the Baromedical Research Institute and Louisiana State University School of Medicine, New Orleans have reported the successful treatment of chronic traumatic brain injury (TBI). The findings, published in Brain Research (2007 Oct 12;1174:120-9), are purportedly the first-ever demonstration of improvement of chronic brain injury in animals. The treatment involved a new application and drug dosage of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been applied to diving injuries, carbon monoxide poisoning, "flesh-eating bacteria," and chronic wounds.
Application to chronic brain injury is controversial. This demonstration is a landmark achievement that reverses 100 years of neurology and the institutionalized belief that chronic brain injury in untreatable. It has significant implications for the treatment of chronic human traumatic brain injury (TBI) such as for current U.S. military veterans.

It has significant implications for the treatment of chronic human traumatic brain injury (TBI) such as for current U.S. military veterans.
High pressure oxygen is pumped into the body and blood giving the patient up to 20 x's the amount of normal oxygen levels.
Emerging published scientific studies are beginning to back the benefits.

Hyperbaric Medicine Program - Video (bad quality, but positive and hopeful info for soldiers)

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is based on an almost laughably simple idea: Oxygen can be used therapeutically for a wide range of conditions where tissues have been damaged by oxygen deprivation. Restore that oxygen, goes the logical thinking, and you can restore much of the lost function. It seems too good to be true, but Dr. Paul G. Harch’s research and clinical practice has shown that this noninvasive and painless treatment can help the tens of millions of Americans who suffer from a brain injury or disease.
It can also improve conditions in which inflammation is the culprit, such as arthritis and asthma; promote healing in infections, burns, and skin grafts, such as diabetic foot wounds; and slow the aging process [and stimulate hair growth].
For the millions of Americans suffering from these seemingly “hopeless” diseases, here finally is the handbook of hope. Inspiring and informative, The Oxygen Revolution is the definitive guide to the miracle of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, from a pioneer in the field.

There's nothing more valuable than oxygen, and The Oxygen Revolution is your owner's manual May 2, 2007 David M. Freels
Instead of finding cures, the pharmaceutical business cycle produces drugs with outrageous price tags that only treat symptoms and not the root cause of disease. Consequently, nobody's developed a cure for any disease since polio over 50 years ago. To survive, drug companies create products that create perpetual consumers, i.e., customers. Sick people are no longer patients, and physicians are too arrogant to realize they're just pawns in the system.
The Oxygen Revolution gives us a simple biology lesson: all disease processes begin with some form of oxygen deprivation. Then Harch shows us how many, many ills of the system can be cured if patients are just given a little more oxygen.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) can save us millions of heartaches and billions of dollars. Read The Oxygen Revolution, and you'll understand how HBOT can save our very lives and the lives of our loved ones.
David Freels, MedicaidforHBOT.com
Useful for Crush Injury and Explosion Injury

1 comment:
The positive results of Hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatment bring great hope in TBI patients. This blog nicely explain how it work and help to treat TBI patients. Thanks for sharing
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